Datblygu Annibyniaeth Plant: Dyfeisgarwch yn Ysgol Panteg
Yn Ysgol Panteg, credwn fod dyfeisgarwch yn rhan allweddol o ddatblygu annibyniaeth plant. Mae dyfeisgarwch yn golygu'r gallu i ddod o hyd i ffyrdd cyflym a chlyfar o oresgyn anawsterau. Mae’n annog plant i feddwl yn greadigol, cynllunio’n effeithiol, a defnyddio’r adnoddau sydd ar gael yn ddoeth. Trwy feithrin dyfeisgarwch, rydym yn helpu plant i ddod yn fwy hunanddibynnol a gallu ymdrin â heriau amrywiol yn annibynnol.
Gellir rhannu dyfeisgarwch plant yn sawl agwedd allweddol, yr ydym yn eu hyrwyddo’n frwd yn Ysgol Panteg:
Archwilio: Mae annog plant i archwilio gwahanol adnoddau ac amgylcheddau yn agwedd sylfaenol ar ddyfeisgarwch. Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydym yn creu cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr archwilio gwahanol offer, defnyddiau, a syniadau. Mae'r archwiliad hwn yn eu helpu i ddarganfod ffyrdd newydd o fynd i'r afael â thasgau a datrys problemau. Rydym yn annog plant i fod yn chwilfrydig ac yn anturus yn eu dysgu, sy’n meithrin meddylfryd dyfeisgar.
Cynllunio: Mae cynllunio effeithiol yn hanfodol ar gyfer dyfeisgarwch. Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydym yn addysgu dysgwyr i feddwl ymlaen a chynllunio eu gweithredoedd yn ofalus. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gosod nodau, nodi adnoddau angenrheidiol, ac amlinellu camau i gyflawni'r nodau hynny. Trwy ddatblygu medrau cynllunio, mae plant yn dysgu mynd i'r afael â thasgau yn drefnus ac yn effeithlon, sy'n gwella eu gallu i drin heriau'n annibynnol.
Rhesymu: Mae rhesymu yn golygu defnyddio rhesymeg a meddwl beirniadol i wneud penderfyniadau a datrys problemau. Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydym yn annog dysgwyr i ddefnyddio tystiolaeth a gwybodaeth flaenorol i ddod i gasgliadau a gwneud dewisiadau gwybodus. Mae hyn yn eu helpu i ddatblygu dull systematig o ddatrys problemau ac yn gwella eu gallu i feddwl yn feirniadol ac yn ddyfeisgar.
Gwerthuso: Mae gwerthuso yn golygu asesu effeithiolrwydd gweithredoedd a gwneud addasiadau angenrheidiol. Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydym yn addysgu dysgwyr i fyfyrio ar eu gwaith, nodi meysydd i’w gwella, a gwneud newidiadau i wella eu perfformiad. Mae’r broses hunanarfarnu hon yn helpu plant i ddysgu o’u profiadau a dod yn fwy dyfeisgar wrth ddod o hyd i atebion i broblemau.

10 Syniad i Deuluoedd Ddatblygu Dyfeisgarwch yn y Cartref:
Annog Plant i Ddatrys Problemau ar eu Hunain: Rhowch gyfleoedd i'ch plentyn ddatrys problemau yn annibynnol. Anogwch nhw i feddwl am atebion gwahanol a dewis yr un gorau. Er enghraifft, os yw'ch plentyn yn cael trafferth gyda phos, gofynnwch iddo roi cynnig ar wahanol strategaethau cyn cynnig help.
Darparu Cyfleoedd ar gyfer Chwarae Creadigol: Ceisiwch gynnwys eich plentyn mewn gweithgareddau sy'n annog meddwl creadigol, megis adeiladu gyda blociau, tynnu llun neu chwarae rôl. Mae chwarae creadigol yn galluogi plant i archwilio gwahanol syniadau a datblygu atebion dyfeisgar i heriau.
Dysgwch Blant i Ddefnyddio Eitemau Bob Dydd mewn Ffyrdd Newydd: Anogwch eich plentyn i feddwl yn greadigol am sut i ddefnyddio eitemau bob dydd. Er enghraifft, heriwch nhw i ddod o hyd i ddefnyddiau newydd ar gyfer gwrthrychau cartref, fel defnyddio blwch cardbord i greu car tegan. Mae hyn yn eu helpu i ddatblygu meddylfryd dyfeisgar.
Annog Plant i Gynllunio Eu Gweithgareddau: Helpwch eich plentyn i gynllunio ei weithgareddau trwy osod nodau ac amlinellu camau i'w cyflawni. Er enghraifft, os yw'ch plentyn eisiau cwblhau prosiect ysgol, dylech ei arwain wrth greu cynllun sy'n cynnwys ymchwil, deunyddiau a llinell amser.
Trafodwch Ffyrdd Gwahanol o Fynd at Broblem: Pan fydd eich plentyn yn wynebu her, trafodwch wahanol strategaethau i'w datrys. Anogwch nhw i feddwl am atebion lluosog a gwerthuso manteision ac anfanteision pob un. Mae hyn yn eu helpu i ddatblygu medrau meddwl beirniadol a datrys problemau.
Annog Plant i Osod Nodau: Helpwch eich plentyn i osod nodau realistig a chyraeddadwy. Rhannwch dasgau mwy yn gamau llai y gellir eu rheoli i wneud iddynt deimlo'n fwy cyraeddadwy. Er enghraifft, os yw'ch plentyn eisiau gwella ei sgiliau darllen, gosodwch nod o ddarllen nifer penodol o dudalennau bob dydd.
Darparu Cyfleoedd i Blant Wneud Penderfyniadau: Caniatáu i'ch plentyn wneud penderfyniadau am ei weithgareddau a'i gyfrifoldebau. Mae hyn yn eu helpu i ddatblygu medrau gwneud penderfyniadau a dysgu cymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu dewisiadau. Er enghraifft, gadewch iddynt gynllunio gwibdaith deuluol.
Trafodwch bwysigrwydd Bod yn Addasadwy: Dysgwch eich plentyn am bwysigrwydd bod yn hyblyg ac yn agored i newid. Anogwch nhw i fod yn hyblyg yn eu meddwl ac i addasu eu cynlluniau pan fo angen. Mae hyn yn eu helpu i ddatblygu gwydnwch a dyfeisgarwch.
Annog Plant i Feddwl yn Feirniadol: Ymgysylltwch â'ch plentyn mewn gweithgareddau sy'n hyrwyddo meddwl beirniadol, megis posau, posau, neu gemau strategaeth. Mae'r gweithgareddau hyn yn eu helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau rhesymu a datrys problemau rhesymegol.
Defnyddio Chwarae Rôl i Ymarfer Datrys Problemau: Defnyddio senarios chwarae rôl i ymarfer sgiliau datrys problemau. Er enghraifft, crëwch senario lle mae'n rhaid i'ch plentyn ddod o hyd i eitem goll neu ddatrys gwrthdaro gyda ffrind. Mae hyn yn eu helpu i ddatblygu dyfeisgarwch a hyder wrth ymdrin â sefyllfaoedd bywyd go iawn.
Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydym wedi ymrwymo i helpu ein plant i ddatblygu dyfeisgarwch trwy amgylchedd cefnogol ac ysgogol. Trwy ganolbwyntio ar yr agweddau hyn ar ddyfeisgarwch ac ymgorffori’r syniadau hyn ym mywyd beunyddiol, gall teuluoedd helpu plant i ddatblygu’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i ddod yn unigolion mwy annibynnol a dyfeisgar. Mae meithrin dyfeisgarwch yn broses barhaus sy'n gofyn am anogaeth, cefnogaeth a chyfleoedd i archwilio. Drwy feithrin meddylfryd dyfeisgar, bydd plant mewn gwell sefyllfa i ymdrin â heriau, meddwl yn greadigol, a dod o hyd i atebion arloesol, gan ddod yn ddysgwyr hyderus ac annibynnol yn y pen draw.

Diwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel 2025
Chwefror 11eg yw Diwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel, dathliad byd-eang gyda’r nod o hyrwyddo defnydd diogel, cyfrifol a chadarnhaol o dechnoleg ddigidol. Mae thema eleni, "Rhy dda i fod yn wir? Diogelu eich hun ac eraill rhag sgamiau ar-lein," yn amlygu pwysigrwydd diogelwch ar-lein a gwyliadwriaeth Trwy gydol y dydd, byddwn yn cynnal gweithgareddau sy'n ymwneud â diogelwch ar-lein!
Mae rhieni a gofalwyr yn chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth sicrhau diogelwch eu plant ar-lein. Mae'n hanfodol eu haddysgu am sgamiau cyffredin ar-lein a pheryglon rhannu gwybodaeth bersonol. Gall cymryd rhan weithredol yng ngweithgareddau ar-lein eich plentyn a chynnal gosodiadau preifatrwydd cyfoes wneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol. Mae defnyddio rheolaethau rhieni ar ddyfeisiau ac apiau, ac annog plant i feddwl yn feirniadol am y wybodaeth y maent yn dod ar ei thraws ar-lein, hefyd yn gamau hanfodol. Yn olaf, gall hyrwyddo ymddygiad cadarnhaol ar-lein ac atgoffa plant am barhad eu hôl troed digidol helpu i feithrin amgylchedd ar-lein mwy diogel.
I gael rhagor o awgrymiadau ac adnoddau, ewch i wefan Diwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel yn https://saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2025/tips-for-parents-and-carers
Mae Common Sense Media yn adnodd gwych i deuluoedd sy’n ceisio gwella diogelwch rhyngrwyd. Mae'n darparu adolygiadau a graddfeydd arbenigol ar gyfer ffilmiau, sioeau teledu, gemau ac apiau, gan helpu rhieni i wneud dewisiadau gwybodus. Gallwch ddod o hyd i gyngor ymarferol ar reoli amser sgrin, sefydlu rheolaethau rhieni, a thrafod diogelwch ar-lein gyda'u plant. Dilynwch y ddolen hon am ragor o wybodaeth: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
Materion Traffig Pont-y-pŵl
Rydym yn ymwybodol bod traffig o amgylch Pont-y-pŵl, oherwydd gwaith ffordd, yn anodd iawn. Rydym yn deall y bydd rhai dyddiau pan fydd trafnidiaeth yn hwyr neu pan fydd teuluoedd yn mynd yn sownd mewn traffig. Nid oes llawer y gallwn ei wneud fel ysgol a dim llawer y gall teuluoedd ei wneud ar yr adeg hon - fodd bynnag, byddwn yn gweithio gyda chi i ddarparu ar gyfer lle y gallwn. Os ydych yn rhedeg yn hwyrach nag arfer oherwydd y traffig, gofynnwn i chi gyrraedd yr ysgol yn ddiogel. Dyma'r brif flaenoriaeth. Cofiwch fod gennym glwb brecwast yn yr ysgol sy'n agor drysau am 8:15-8:30 y gallwch chi ollwng eich plentyn - efallai bydd hyn yn helpu i osgoi traffig. Os nad ydych wedi cofrestru ar gyfer y cyfleuster hwn, cysylltwch â'r swyddfa a byddwn yn eich cefnogi i allu cofrestru.

Ymweliad Gweithdy Seiberddiogelwch - ATGOF
Ar Ddydd Iau 20fed o Chwefror, bydd disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 yn ymweld ag NDEC yng Nglyn Ebwy. Mae’r plant wedi bod yn gweithio ar waith sy’n gysylltiedig â seiberddiogelwch ac mae’r ymweliad hwn yn rhan o gyfres o weithdai a gyflwynir mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol De Cymru. Mae bws wedi ei drefnu i gludo'r plant i ac o Lynebwy yn ystod oriau ysgol heb unrhyw gost ychwanegol. Bydd pecyn cinio ysgol hefyd yn cael ei drefnu. Gan fod gennym ganiatâd ar gyfer ymweliadau gennych chi, os nad ydych am i'ch plentyn fynychu, rhowch wybod i Miss Tanwen Davies (tanwen.davies@ysgolpanteg.cymru) neu swyddfa'r ysgol (swyddfa.ysgolpanteg@torfaen.gov.uk) erbyn dydd Gwener, 14eg o Chwefror.
Diwrnod Hwyl Gwyddonwyr y Dyfodol - ATGOF
Mae'n bleser gennym eich gwahodd i Ddiwrnod Hwyl Gwyddonwyr y Dyfodol Ffrindiau Panteg, cyfle gwych i deuluoedd archwilio a dysgu am ein byd trwy weithgareddau difyr. Gwyddom nad oedd pawb yn gallu cael tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn ac ymddiheurwn am hynny. Os buoch chi'n ddigon ffodus i gael tocynnau, cofiwch ei bod hi'n ddydd Sadwrn yma, 15fed Chwefror. Mae'r digwyddiad yn dechrau am 10am ac yn gorffen tua 1:30pm.
Trefniadau Nofio
Dim ond nodyn cyflym yw hwn i atgoffa teuluoedd Blwyddyn 4 bod dosbarth Mrs Exall (Pen y Llan) yn dod i ddiwedd eu gwersi nofio. Ar ôl hanner tymor, bydd dosbarth Miss Williams (Coed y Canddo) yn dechrau eu gwersi nofio. Bydd angen tywel, gwisg nofio a gwisg ysgol ar y plant. Mae mwyafrif y plant yn gwisgo gwisg nofio o dan eu dillad awyr agored i gyflymu'r broses - gan fod nofio am 9:30yb. Peidiwch ag anghofio dillad isaf i newid yn ôl i mewn iddo!

Cysylltiadau pwysig a all fod o ddefnydd i chi:
Samaritans: 116 123 (24 awr y dydd / 24 hours a day)
Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 80 10 800 (8.00am-2.00pm & 8.00pm-2.00am pob dydd / every day).
Mind Cymru: 0300 123 3393
Childline: 0800 1111 (24 awr y dydd / 24 hours a day)
Women’s Aid: 01495 742061 (24 awr y dydd / 24 hours a day)
Eastern Valley Food Bank: 01495 760605
Developing Children's Independence: Resourcefulness at Ysgol Panteg
At Ysgol Panteg, we believe that resourcefulness is a key component of developing children's independence. Resourcefulness involves the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. It encourages children to think creatively, plan effectively, and use available resources wisely. By fostering resourcefulness, we help children become more self-reliant and capable of handling various challenges independently.
Resourcefulness in children can be broken down into several key aspects, which we actively promote at Ysgol Panteg:
Exploring: Encouraging children to explore different resources and environments is a fundamental aspect of resourcefulness. At Ysgol Panteg, we create opportunities for learners to explore various tools, materials, and ideas. This exploration helps them discover new ways to approach tasks and solve problems. We encourage children to be curious and adventurous in their learning, which fosters a resourceful mindset.
Planning: Effective planning is crucial for resourcefulness. At Ysgol Panteg, we teach learners to think ahead and plan their actions carefully. This involves setting goals, identifying necessary resources, and outlining steps to achieve those goals. By developing planning skills, children learn to approach tasks methodically and efficiently, which enhances their ability to handle challenges independently.
Reasoning: Reasoning involves using logic and critical thinking to make decisions and solve problems. At Ysgol Panteg, we encourage learners to use evidence and prior knowledge to draw conclusions and make informed choices. This helps them develop a systematic approach to problem-solving and enhances their ability to think critically and resourcefully.
Evaluating: Evaluating involves assessing the effectiveness of actions and making necessary adjustments. At Ysgol Panteg, we teach learners to reflect on their work, identify areas for improvement, and make changes to enhance their performance. This self-evaluation process helps children learn from their experiences and become more resourceful in finding solutions to problems.

10 Ideas for Families to Develop Resourcefulness at Home:
Encourage Children to Solve Problems on Their Own: Provide opportunities for your child to solve problems independently. Encourage them to think of different solutions and choose the best one. For example, if your child is struggling with a puzzle, ask them to try different strategies before offering help.
Provide Opportunities for Creative Play: Engage your child in activities that encourage creative thinking, such as building with blocks, drawing, or role-playing. Creative play allows children to explore different ideas and develop resourceful solutions to challenges.
Teach Children to Use Everyday Items in New Ways: Encourage your child to think creatively about how to use everyday items. For example, challenge them to find new uses for household objects, such as using a cardboard box to create a toy car. This helps them develop a resourceful mindset.
Encourage Children to Plan Their Activities: Help your child plan their activities by setting goals and outlining steps to achieve them. For example, if your child wants to complete a school project, guide them in creating a plan that includes research, materials, and a timeline.
Discuss Different Ways to Approach a Problem: When your child faces a challenge, discuss various strategies to solve it. Encourage them to think of multiple solutions and evaluate the pros and cons of each. This helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Encourage Children to Set Goals: Help your child set realistic and achievable goals. Break larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to make them feel more attainable. For example, if your child wants to improve their reading skills, set a goal of reading a certain number of pages each day.
Provide Opportunities for Children to Make Decisions: Allow your child to make decisions about their activities and responsibilities. This helps them develop decision-making skills and learn to take responsibility for their choices. For example, let them plan a family outing.
Discuss the Importance of Being Adaptable: Teach your child the importance of being adaptable and open to change. Encourage them to be flexible in their thinking and to adjust their plans when necessary. This helps them develop resilience and resourcefulness.
Encourage Children to Think Critically: Engage your child in activities that promote critical thinking, such as puzzles, brainteasers, or strategy games. These activities help them develop logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Use Role-Playing to Practice Problem-Solving: Use role-playing scenarios to practice problem-solving skills. For example, create a scenario where your child has to find a lost item or resolve a conflict with a friend. This helps them develop resourcefulness and confidence in handling real-life situations.
At Ysgol Panteg, we are committed to helping our children develop resourcefulness through a supportive and stimulating environment. By focusing on these aspects of resourcefulness and incorporating these ideas into daily life, families can help children develop the skills they need to become more independent and resourceful individuals. Building resourcefulness is a continuous process that requires encouragement, support, and opportunities for exploration. By nurturing a resourceful mindset, children will be better equipped to handle challenges, think creatively, and find innovative solutions, ultimately becoming confident and independent learners.

Safer Internet Day 2025
February the 11th is Safer Internet Day, a global celebration aimed at promoting the safe, responsible, and positive use of digital technology. This year's theme, "Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online," highlights the importance of online safety and vigilance Throughout the day, we will be holding activities around online safety!
Parents and carers play a crucial role in ensuring their children's safety online. It's essential to educate them about common online scams and the dangers of sharing personal information. Staying actively involved in your child's online activities and maintaining up-to-date privacy settings can make a significant difference. Utilising parental controls on devices and apps, and encouraging children to think critically about the information they encounter online, are also vital steps. Finally, promoting positive online behaviour and reminding children about the permanence of their digital footprint can help foster a safer online environment.
For more tips and resources, visit the Safer Internet Day website at https://saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2025/tips-for-parents-and-carers
Common Sense Media is a fantastic resource for families seeking to enhance internet safety. It provides expert reviews and ratings for movies, TV shows, games, and apps, helping parents make informed choices. You can find practical advice on managing screen time, setting up parental controls, and discussing online safety with their children. Follow this link for more information: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
Pontypool Traffic Issues
We are aware that traffic around Pontypool, due to roadworks, is very difficult. We understand that there will be some days when transport is late or that families get stuck in traffic. There is not much we can do as a school and not much that families can do at this time - however, we will work with you to accommodate where we can. If you are running later than usual due to the traffic, we just ask that you arrive at school safely. This is the number one priority. Remember that we have a breakfast club at school that opens doors at 8:15-8:30 that you can drop your child off - this may help avoid traffic. If you are not registered for this facility, please contact the office and we will support you in being able to sign up.

Cyber-Security Workshop Visit - REMINDER
On Thursday 20th of February, Year 5 pupils will be visiting NDEC in Ebbw Vale. The children have been working on work linked to cyber-security and this visit is part of a series of workshops delivered in partnership with the University of South Wales. A bus has been organised to transport the children to and from Ebbw Vale during school hours with no extra cost. School packed lunch will also be organised. Since we have permissions for visits from yourself, if you do not wish your child to attend, please inform Miss Tanwen Davies (tanwen.davies@ysgolpanteg.cymru) or the school office (office.ysgolpanteg@torfaen.gov.uk) by Friday, 14th of February.
Future Scientists Fun Day - REMINDER
We're thrilled to invite you to Ffrindiau Panteg's Future Scientists Fun Day, a fantastic opportunity for families to explore and learn about our world through engaging activities. We know that not everyone was able to get tickets for this event and for that we apologise. If you were lucky enough to get tickets, please remember that it is this Saturday, 15th February. The event starts at 10am and ends at approximately 1:30pm.
Swimming Arrangements
This is just a quick note to remind families of Year 4 that Mrs Exall's class (Pen y Llan) are coming to the end of their swimming lessons. After half term, Miss Williams's class (Coed y Canddo) will begin their swimming lessons. The children will need their towel, swimming costume and a school uniform. The majority of children wear their swimming costume under their outdoor clothes to speed up the process - since swimming is at 9:30am. Just don't forget underwear to change back into!

Important contact details that could be of use to you:
Samaritans: 116 123 (24 awr y dydd / 24 hours a day)
Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 80 10 800 (8.00am-2.00pm & 8.00pm-2.00am pob dydd / every day).
Mind Cymru: 0300 123 3393
Childline: 0800 1111 (24 awr y dydd / 24 hours a day)
Women’s Aid: 01495 742061 (24 awr y dydd / 24 hours a day)
Eastern Valley Food Bank: 01495 760605
