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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 21.05.2024 - Head's Bulletin



Annwyl Deuluoedd, 



Wythnos Cerdded i'r Ysgol

Ddoe, dechrau da gyda phobl yn rhoi’r gorau i’r car i gerdded, sgwtera, beicio a hyd yn oed rhedeg i’r ysgol gan ein helpu i achub yr amgylchedd un cam ar y tro. Ddoe, ein diwrnod cyntaf, achubon ni 84 siwrneiau i'r ysgol! Ar flaen y ras mae dosbarth Miss Harley gyda 13 taith wedi’u harbed! Da iawn pawb! Daliwch ati! Gawn ni weld faint allwn ni ei arbed!


Cofiwch fod pob dosbarth yn gweithio ar y cyd i wneud cymaint o deithiau egnïol i’r ysgol â phosibl yn ystod yr wythnos. Maent yn cadw siart cyfrif. Bydd y dosbarth sydd â'r nifer fwyaf o deithiau yn cael taleb o £50 i'w wario ar yr hyn y maent am ei wneud i wella eu hamgylchedd dysgu.


Gallwch anfon lluniau ohonoch yn cerdded i'r ysgol drwy anfon e-bost at Byddwn yn ymdrechu i'w rhannu ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol!


I’r plant hynny sy’n cyrraedd ar gludiant ysgol – nid ydym am eu gadael allan. Felly, byddwn yn gofyn i chi roi gwybod i'ch athro os gallwch chi gymryd 10 munud y dydd i gerdded yn eich cymuned leol yn lle hynny. 




Grŵp Dawns yn disgleirio ar Lwyfan Theatr y Congress

Rydym mor falch o’n grŵp dawns am eu perfformiad arbennig yng Ngŵyl Ddawns Torfaen neithiwr! Roedd egni, dawn ac ymroddiad yr holl ddawnswyr yn disgleirio drwyddo. Am arddangosfa anhygoel o greadigrwydd a gwaith tîm! Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r staff a helpodd i baratoi'r plant ac i'r staff hynny a fu'n gwarchod y noson. Roedd Mr Rainsbury a minnau wedi mwynhau gweld ein plant yn rhoi'r cyfan ar y llwyfan! 



Ymweliad Addysgol i Ganolfan Fwdhaidd yng Nghaerdydd

Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi cyfle cyffrous i’n disgyblion Cynnydd 3 ymweld â’r Ganolfan Fwdhaidd yng Nghaerdydd.


Yn ystod y daith bydd y disgyblion yn cymryd rhan mewn nifer o weithdai diddorol gan gynnwys taith o amgylch y ganolfan, dysgu am y gwahanol wyliau Bwdhaidd, sesiynau ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a gweithdy Holi ac Ateb.


Mae dyddiadau’r teithiau fel a ganlyn:

Mehefin 12fed - Blwyddyn 5

Mehefin 14eg - Blwyddyn 6

Mehefin 17eg - Blwyddyn 4


Bydd y bws yn gadael Ysgol Panteg ar ôl cofrestru yn y bore ac yn cyrraedd yn ôl mewn amser ar gyfer casglu. Nid oes angen arian poced ar gyfer y daith hon a darperir pecyn bwyd i blant yr ysgol.


Cost y daith hon yw £10 y plentyn. Bydd gostyngiad o 10% i'r rhai sy'n derbyn Grant Datblygu Disgyblion. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer talu yw dydd Iau, 6ed o Fehefin am 10yb.


Mewngofnodwch i CivicaPay ( i dalu. Os ydych chi'n cael trafferth talu, naill ai'n dechnegol neu fel arall, cysylltwch â ni cyn gynted â phosibl. 



Perfformiad ‘Deian a Loli’ – Atgof

Bydd ein disgyblion Cam Cynnydd 2 yn cael y cyfle i brofi perfformiad gan gwmni theatr Arad Goch yn seiliedig ar gymeriadau S4C o ‘Deian a Loli’ yn Theatr y Sherman ar 07/06/2024. Bydd angen pecyn bwyd ar y plant am y diwrnod. Cost y daith hon yw £12 y plentyn. Bydd gostyngiad o 10% i'r rhai sy'n derbyn Grant Datblygu Disgyblion. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer talu yw dydd Mawrth, Mehefin 4ydd am 10yb.


Mewn gofnodwch i CivicaPay ( i dalu. Os ydych chi'n cael trafferth talu, naill ai'n dechnegol neu fel arall, cysylltwch â ni cyn gynted â phosibl. 




Ffotograffau Dosbarth

Rydym yn gyffrous bod y ffotograffau dosbarth yn barod i'w prynu ar gyfer y rhai sy'n dymuno eu prynu trwy Colorfoto.


Y cyfan sydd angen i chi ei wneud yw llywio drosodd i Yna, rhowch y cod perthnasol ar gyfer y dosbarth (a roddir isod yn y tabl). Byddwch yn ofalus – mae rhai sero yn edrych fel y llythyren ‘O’. Os gallwch chi – copïwch a gludwch y codau!


Gwelir yr ebost am fwy o fanylion.

Blwyddyn 6

Cycling Proficiency

Gan fod y tywydd bellach yn gwella, edrychwn ymlaen at redeg yr hyfforddiant hyfedredd beicio ar gyfer Blwyddyn 6 eto eleni. Bydd yr hyfforddiant yn rhedeg dros gyfnod o bythefnos, o'r 24ain o Fehefin hyd at y 5ed o Orffennaf yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol. Bydd angen i'r plant ddod â'u beic i'r ysgol i'w ddefnyddio. Gall plant ddod â'u beiciau bob dydd neu gallant eu storio yma. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth yn cael ei hanfon atoch heddiw. Unrhyw gwestiynau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Mr. Alexander trwy ClassDojo neu e-bostiwch (



Dance Group Shines on the Congress Theatre Stage

We are so proud of our dance group for their outstanding performance at the Torfaen Dance Festival last night! The energy, talent, and dedication of all the dancers truly shone through. What an incredible display of creativity and teamwork. A huge thanks goes out to the staff who helped prepare the children and to those staff who chaparoned for the evening. Mr Rainsbury and I really enjoyed seeing our children giving it their all on the stage!



Walk to School Week

Yesterday, kicked off to a good start with people ditching the car to walk, scoot, cycle and even run to school helping us save the environment one little step at a time. Yesterday, our first day, we saved 84 journeys to school! At the front of the race is Miss Harley’s class with 13 journeys saved! Da iawn everyone! Keep it up! Let’s see how many we can save!


Remember that each class is working collectively to make as many active journeys to school as possible across the week. They are keeping a tally chart. The class with the most journeys will receive a £50 voucher to spend on what they want to enhance their learning environment.


You can send in photographs of you walking to school by emailing them to We will endeavour to share them on social media!


For those children who arrive on school transport - we don’t want to leave them out. So, we will ask you to let your teacher know if you can take 10 minutes a day to walk in your local community instead.


YEAR 4, 5 AND 6

Educational Visit to the Cardiff Buddhist Centre

We are pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for our Progress 3 pupils to visit the Buddhist Centre in Cardiff.


During the trip the pupils will take part in a number of interesting workshops which include a tour of the centre, learning about the different Buddhist festivals, mindfulness sessions and a Question and Answer workshop.


The trip dates are as follows:

12th June - Year 5

14th June - Year 6

17th June - Year 4


The bus will leave Ysgol Panteg after registration in the morning and arrive back in time for pick up. No pocket money is needed for this trip and a packed lunch is provided for the children from the school. 


The cost of this trip is £10 per child. There will be a 10% discount for those in receipt of Pupil Development Grant. Closing date for payment is Thursday, 6th of June at 10am.


Please log into CivicaPay ( to pay. If you are having trouble paying, either technical or otherwise, please get in contact with us as soon as possible. 


YEARS 1, 2 AND 3

Performance of ‘Deian and Loli’ – REMINDER

Our progress step 2 pupils will be given the opportunity to experience a performance by Arad Goch theatre company based on the S4C characters of ‘Deian and Loli’ in the Sherman Theatre on 07/06/2024. Children will need a packed lunch for the day. The cost of this trip is £12 per child. There will be a 10% discount for those in receipt of Pupil Development Grant. Closing date for payment is Tuesday, 4th of June at 10am.


Please log into CivicaPay ( to pay. If you are having trouble paying, either technical or otherwise, please get in contact with us as soon as possible.


Class Photographs

We are excited that the class photographs are ready to purchase for those who wish to buy them through Colorfoto.


All you need to do is to navigate over to Then enter the relevant code for the class (given below in the table). Please be careful – some zeros look like the letter ‘O’. If you can – copy and paste the codes!


Please see the email for more information.

Year 6

Cycling Proficiency

As the weather is now improving, we look forward to running the cycling proficiency training for Year 6 again this year. The training will run over a fortnight period, from the 24th of June until the 5th of July during the school day. The children will need to bring their bike to school to be used. Children can bring their bikes each day or they can store them here. More information is being sent out to you today. Any questions, please don’t hestitate to get in contact with Mr. Alexander via ClassDojo or email (



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©Ysgol Panteg, 2024

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