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Hwb Gwybodaeth Annibyniaeth Plant

Children's Independence Information Hub



Mae meithrin annibyniaeth plant yn cwmpasu agweddau amrywiol ar eu datblygiad corfforol, emosiynol a gwybyddol. O gamau cynnar plentyndod i lencyndod, mae meithrin annibyniaeth yn hanfodol ar gyfer adeiladu unigolion gwydn a hyderus sy'n gallu llywio cymhlethdodau bywyd.
Yn y llyfryn hwn, rydym yn esbonio rhai o nodweddion allweddol datblygu annibyniaeth a sut y gallwn wneud hyn gyda'n gilydd. Felly, mae’r llyfryn hwn mewn dwy ran: trosolwg yw’r rhan gyntaf o bwysigrwydd annibyniaeth a’r rhesymeg y tu ôl i’r rhesymau pam yr ydym yn meddwl ei fod mor bwysig. Mae ail ran y llyfryn hwn yn fframwaith sydd wedi’i adeiladu gan blant, teuluoedd, staff ac arbenigwyr. Mae’r fframwaith hwn yn edrych ar 6 maes allweddol: gwydnwch, cydweithio, chwilfrydedd, dyfeisgarwch, ymdrech, a hunanymwybyddiaeth. Mae hefyd yn dangos sut y gallwn gefnogi plant i symud i’r cam nesaf yn eu hannibyniaeth.

Fostering children's independence encompasses various aspects of their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. From the early stages of childhood to adolescence, cultivating independence is essential for building resilient and confident individuals who can navigate the complexities of life.
In this booklet, we explain some of the key features of developing independence and how we can do this together. Therefore, this booklet is in two parts: the first part is an overview of the importance of independence and a rational behind why we think it is so important. The second part of this booklet is a framework that has been built by children, families, staff and specialists. This framework looks at 6 key areas: resilience, working together, curiosity, resourcefulness, effort, and self-awareness. It also shows how we can support children to move to the next stage in their independence.



Plentyndod Cynnar
Early Childhood

Yn y blynyddoedd ffurfiannol, mae hybu annibyniaeth yn dechrau gydag annog sgiliau hunangymorth sylfaenol. Mae tasgau syml fel gwisgo eu hunain, brwsio eu dannedd, neu drefnu teganau yn cyfrannu at ymdeimlad cynyddol plentyn o ymreolaeth. Mae hyn nid yn unig yn adeiladu sgiliau echddygol ond hefyd yn gosod sylfaen ar gyfer cyfrifoldeb. Fel teuluoedd a staff ysgol, mae darparu cyfleoedd i wneud penderfyniadau o fewn amgylchedd rheoledig yn galluogi plant i brofi ymdeimlad o asiantaeth, gan osod y sylfaen ar gyfer annibyniaeth yn y dyfodol.

In the formative years, promoting independence starts with encouraging basic self-help skills. Simple tasks like dressing themselves, brushing their teeth, or organising toys contribute to a child's growing sense of autonomy. This not only builds motor skills but also establishes a foundation for responsibility. As families and school staff, providing opportunities for decision-making within a controlled environment allows children to experience a sense of agency, laying the groundwork for future independence.


Annibyniaeth Academig
Academic Independence

Wrth i blant symud ymlaen yn eu haddysg, daw pwysigrwydd annibyniaeth academaidd i'r amlwg. Mae eu hannog i gymryd perchnogaeth o'u proses ddysgu yn meithrin ymdeimlad o gyfrifoldeb a chwilfrydedd. Mae caniatáu iddynt fynd i'r afael â phroblemau'n annibynnol, tra'n darparu arweiniad pan fo angen, yn meithrin sgiliau meddwl beirniadol. Mae'r ymreolaeth hon mewn dysgu yn eu paratoi ar gyfer heriau addysg uwch a thu hwnt, lle mae astudio hunangyfeiriedig a datrys problemau yn hanfodol.​

As children progress in their education, the importance of academic independence becomes evident. Encouraging them to take ownership of their learning process fosters a sense of responsibility and curiosity. Allowing them to tackle problems independently, while providing guidance when needed, cultivates critical thinking skills. This autonomy in learning prepares them for the challenges of higher education and beyond, where self-directed study and problem-solving are integral.


Annibyniaeth Gymdeithasol ac Emosiynol
Social and Emotional Independence

Mae datblygu annibyniaeth gymdeithasol ac emosiynol yr un mor hanfodol. Mae angen i blant ddysgu rheoli eu hemosiynau, gwneud ffrindiau, a datrys gwrthdaro ar eu pen eu hunain. Mae darparu amgylchedd cefnogol lle gallant fynegi eu hunain yn rhydd yn helpu i adeiladu deallusrwydd emosiynol. Mae caniatáu iddynt lywio sefyllfaoedd cymdeithasol yn annibynnol yn dysgu sgiliau rhyngbersonol gwerthfawr, gan feithrin hyder yn eu gallu i gysylltu ag eraill.

​Developing social and emotional independence is equally crucial. Children need to learn to manage their emotions, make friends, and resolve conflicts on their own. Providing a supportive environment where they can express themselves freely helps build emotional intelligence. Allowing them to navigate social situations independently teaches valuable interpersonal skills, fostering confidence in their ability to connect with others.


Gwneud Penderfyniadau a Datrys Problemau 
Making Decision and Solving Problems

Mae grymuso plant i wneud penderfyniadau, hyd yn oed rhai bach, yn cyfrannu'n sylweddol at eu hannibyniaeth. Wrth wynebu dewisiadau, maent yn dysgu pwyso a mesur opsiynau, ystyried canlyniadau, a chymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu penderfyniadau. Mae'r broses hon yn meithrin sgiliau gwneud penderfyniadau a hyder yn eu gallu i lywio byd sy'n llawn dewisiadau. Mae annog datrys problemau mewn cyd-destunau amrywiol yn helpu plant i ddatblygu gwytnwch, y gallu i addasu, a dyfeisgarwch.

Empowering children to make decisions, even small ones, contributes significantly to their independence. When faced with choices, they learn to weigh options, consider consequences, and take responsibility for their decisions. This process builds decision-making skills and confidence in their ability to navigate a world filled with choices. Encouraging problem-solving in various contexts helps children develop resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness.


Meithrin Meddylfryd Twf
Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Mae annog meddylfryd twf yn hanfodol i feithrin annibyniaeth. Mae meddylfryd twf yn gred y gellir datblygu deallusrwydd, galluoedd a thalentau trwy ymroddiad, ymdrech a dysgu. Mae'r cysyniad hwn, a gyflwynwyd gan y seicolegydd Carol Dweck, yn cyferbynnu â meddylfryd sefydlog sy'n gweld galluoedd yn ddigyfnewid. Mae’r meddylfryd twf yn annog unigolion, gan gynnwys plant, i groesawu heriau, parhau yn wyneb rhwystrau, a gweld methiannau fel cyfleoedd ar gyfer dysgu a gwella.

Mae'r cysylltiad rhwng meddylfryd twf a datblygu annibyniaeth plant yn ddwys. Pan fydd plant yn mabwysiadu meddylfryd twf, maen nhw'n mynd i'r afael â thasgau gydag ymdeimlad o wydnwch a brwdfrydedd dros ddysgu. Mae'r meddylfryd hwn yn eu grymuso i weld ymdrech fel llwybr at welliant, gan feithrin cred y gellir datblygu eu galluoedd dros amser. Mae'r persbectif hwn yn hollbwysig yn y daith tuag at annibyniaeth.

Yng nghyd-destun annibyniaeth, mae meddylfryd twf yn annog plant i ymgymryd â heriau, gwneud penderfyniadau, a dysgu o lwyddiannau a methiannau. Yn hytrach na chael eu rhwystro gan rwystrau, maent yn eu gweld fel cyfleoedd i dyfu a mireinio eu sgiliau. Mae’r agwedd hon yn meithrin ymdeimlad o ymreolaeth, wrth i blant ddod yn fwy parod i archwilio tasgau a chyfrifoldebau newydd gan ddeall bod eu hymdrechion yn cyfrannu at eu datblygiad.

At hynny, mae meddylfryd twf yn siapio sut mae plant yn canfod adborth. Ystyrir adborth adeiladol fel mewnbwn gwerthfawr ar gyfer gwelliant yn hytrach na barnu eu galluoedd. Mae bod yn agored i adborth yn gwella eu gallu i hunan-fyfyrio, gwneud addasiadau, ac ymdrechu'n barhaus i wella.

Mae Carol Dweck yn sôn am ‘bŵer eto’. Mae ‘pŵer eto’ wir yn crynhoi potensial trawsnewidiol meddylfryd twf. Wrth wynebu heriau, mae ychwanegu ‘eto’ at ddatganiadau negyddol yn eu hail-fframio’n gyfleoedd ar gyfer twf. Er enghraifft, mae dweud "Ni allaf wneud hyn" yn dod yn "Ni allaf wneud hyn eto." Mae'r ychwanegiad syml hwn yn meithrin cred yn eich gallu i wella gydag ymdrech ac amser. Mae gafael ym ‘phŵer eto’ yn arf pwerus, yn enwedig i blant, gan feithrin gwydnwch, dyfalbarhad, a’r ddealltwriaeth y gall galluoedd esblygu trwy ymroddiad a dysgu.
Encouraging a growth mindset is integral to fostering independence. A growth mindset is a belief that intelligence, abilities, and talents can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning. This concept, introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck, contrasts with a fixed mindset that sees abilities as unchangeable. The growth mindset encourages individuals, including children, to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and view failures as opportunities for learning and improvement.

The connection between a growth mindset and developing children's independence is profound. When children adopt a growth mindset, they approach tasks with a sense of resilience and enthusiasm for learning. This mindset empowers them to see effort as a pathway to improvement, fostering a belief that their abilities can be developed over time. This perspective is crucial in the journey towards independence.

In the context of independence, a growth mindset encourages children to take on challenges, make decisions, and learn from both successes and failures. Instead of being deterred by setbacks, they see them as opportunities to grow and refine their skills. This attitude instils a sense of autonomy, as children become more willing to explore new tasks and responsibilities with the understanding that their efforts contribute to their development.
Moreover, a growth mindset shapes how children perceive feedback. Constructive feedback is seen as valuable input for improvement rather than a judgment of their capabilities. This openness to feedback enhances their ability to self-reflect, make adjustments, and continually strive for improvement.
Carol Dweck talks about the ‘power of yet’. The ‘power of yet’ really encapsulates the transformative potential of a growth mindset. When faced with challenges, adding ‘yet’ to negative statements reframes them into opportunities for growth. For example, saying "I can't do this" becomes "I can't do this yet." This simple addition fosters a belief in one's ability to improve with effort and time. Embracing the ‘power of yet’ is a powerful tool, particularly for children, instilling resilience, perseverance, and the understanding that abilities can evolve through dedication and learning.



Ein Fframwaith Annibyniaeth
Our Independence Framework

Mae gwybod pa mor annibynnol ydy'ch plentyn yn holl bwysig. Fel ysgol rydym wedi datblygu fframwaith sy'n helpu ni gydweithio gyda chi fel teuluoedd er mwyn cefnogi ein plant i ddatblygu eu hannibyniaeth. Lawrlwythwch ein fframwaith!

Knowing how independent your child is is very important. As a school we have developed a framework that helps us work together with you as families in order to support our children to develop their independence. Download our framework!

Y Roced - Fframwaith Annibyniaeth
(Fersiwn Cymraeg / Welsh Version)

The Rocket - Independence Framework
(Fersiwn Saesneg / English Version)

Ysgol Panteg, Heol Yr Orsaf, Tre Griffith, Pont-y-Pŵl, Torfaen, NP4 5JH
01495 762581

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