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Sut Gall Teuluoedd Gymryd Rhan yn Addysg Eu Plentyn?

Yn ‘Yr Academi,’ credwn fod ymglymiad teulu cryf yn allweddol i lwyddiant disgybl. Rydym yn cydnabod y rôl bwysig y mae teuluoedd yn ei chwarae wrth gefnogi addysg eu plentyn a’n nod yw adeiladu partneriaeth agos rhwng yr ysgol a’r cartref. Trwy gydweithio, gallwn greu amgylchedd cefnogol lle gall disgyblion ffynnu yn academaidd ac yn emosiynol.


Anogir rhieni a gofalwyr i gymryd rhan weithredol ym mhob agwedd ar daith ddysgu eu plentyn. Bydd teuluoedd yn cael syniadau ac awgrymiadau i gefnogi taith eu plentyn.


Mae’r ymglymiad hwn yn cynnwys datblygu Cynllun Datblygu Unigol (CDU) y plentyn, lle gwahoddir rhieni i gyfrannu at gryfderau, heriau a nodau eu plentyn. Mae eu mewnbwn yn helpu i lunio’r strategaethau a’r targedau personol sy’n allweddol i lwyddiant y plentyn.


Y tu hwnt i’r CDU, gall rhieni gymryd rhan mewn cyfarfodydd rheolaidd i drafod cynnydd eu plentyn a darparu adborth gwerthfawr megis ein ‘Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd a Lles Disgyblion’ tymhorol. Mae’r cyfarfodydd hyn yn cynnig cyfle i adolygu cyflawniadau’r disgybl, trafod unrhyw bryderon, a chydweithio ar y camau nesaf ar gyfer eu dysgu a’u datblygiad.


Mae 'Yr Academi' hefyd yn cynnig boreau/prynhawniau agored, gweithdai a sesiynau gwybodaeth i rieni ar bynciau megis rheolaeth emosiynol, cefnogi dysgu gartref, a deall anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Nod y sesiynau hyn yw arfogi teuluoedd ag offer a strategaethau ymarferol i helpu eu plant i lwyddo, yn ogystal â meithrin ymdeimlad o gymuned ymhlith rhieni.

Sianeli Cyfathrebu Rheolaidd Rhwng Rhieni a 'Yr Academi'

Mae cynnal cyfathrebu rheolaidd, agored rhwng rhieni a 'Yr Academi' yn brif flaenoriaeth. Rydym yn deall bod diweddariadau cyson a deialog yn helpu i sicrhau bod rhieni’n cael eu hysbysu a’u cynnwys yng nghynnydd eu plentyn, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu sianeli cyfathrebu clir a chyson. Gall rhieni ddisgwyl diweddariadau rheolaidd trwy amrywiaeth o ddulliau:


  1. Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd a Lles Disgyblion: Trefnir cyfarfodydd ffurfiol o leiaf unwaith y tymor i adolygu cynnydd y disgybl, a thrafod unrhyw strategaethau neu ymyriadau newydd. Mae'r cyfarfodydd hyn yn gydweithredol, gan alluogi rhieni, athrawon, i rannu mewnwelediadau a gosod nodau ar gyfer y dyfodol.

  2. Cyfathrebu Dyddiol neu Wythnosol: Yn dibynnu ar anghenion y plentyn, gellir defnyddio logiau cyfathrebu dyddiol neu wythnosol i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i rieni am brofiadau eu plentyn yn 'Yr Academi.' I rai disgyblion, efallai y cyflwynir llyfr cyfathrebu cartref-ysgol. Mae’r offeryn hwn yn caniatáu ar gyfer cyfathrebu ysgrifenedig dyddiol rhwng yr athro a’r teulu, gan sicrhau bod rhieni’n cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddysgu, cyflawniadau eu plentyn, ac unrhyw feysydd sydd angen sylw. Anogir rhieni i ychwanegu eu harsylwadau a'u sylwadau eu hunain, gan wneud hwn yn arf cyfathrebu dwy ffordd

  3. Galwadau Ffôn ac E-byst: Ar gyfer pryderon neu ddiweddariadau brys, anogir rhieni i gysylltu dros y ffôn neu drwy e-bost. Mae athrawon a Chydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (CADY) yr ysgol ar gael yn rhwydd i ateb cwestiynau, trafod cynnydd, neu fynd i’r afael â phryderon. Gallwch gysylltu drwy ffonio 01495 762581 neu ebostio

  4. Gweithdai a Digwyddiadau: Yn ogystal â chyfarfodydd ffurfiol, gwahoddir rhieni i fynychu gweithdai rheolaidd a digwyddiadau ysgol lle gallant ddysgu mwy am addysg eu plentyn, rhyngweithio â staff, a chysylltu â theuluoedd eraill. Gall y gweithdai hyn ymdrin â phynciau fel strategaethau ar gyfer cefnogi dysgu gartref.

  5. Adroddiadau Cynnydd: Anfonir adroddiadau cynnydd ysgrifenedig ffurfiol adref deirgwaith y flwyddyn (dau adroddiad interim un dudalen ac un adroddiad llawn), yn crynhoi cyflawniadau academaidd, datblygiad cymdeithasol a lles emosiynol y disgybl.


Trwy gynnal llinellau cyfathrebu agored, rydym yn sicrhau bod rhieni’n wybodus ac yn gallu cefnogi dysgu eu plentyn gartref. Gwerthfawrogwn y bartneriaeth rhwng yr ysgol a’r teulu, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i gadw rhieni yn rhan o bob cam o daith addysg eu plentyn yn ‘Yr Academi.’

Sitting and Reading

How Can Families Participate in Their Child’s Education?

At 'Yr Academi,' we believe that strong family involvement is key to a pupil’s success. We recognise the important role families play in supporting their child's education and aim to build a close partnership between school and home. By working together, we can create a supportive environment where pupils can thrive both academically and emotionally.


Parents and carers are encouraged to be actively involved in all aspects of their child’s learning journey. Families will be provided with ideas and suggestions to support their child’s journey.


This involvement includes the development of the child’s Individual Development Plan (IDP), where parents are invited to contribute insights into their child’s strengths, challenges, and goals. Their input helps shape the personalised strategies and targets that are key to the child’s success.


Beyond the IDP, parents can participate in regular meetings to discuss their child's progress and provide valuable feedback such as our termly ‘Pupil Progress and Wellbeing Meetings’. These meetings offer a chance to review the pupil’s achievements, discuss any concerns, and collaborate on next steps for their learning and development.



'Yr Academi' also offers open mornings/afternoons, workshops and information sessions for parents on topics such as emotional regulation, supporting learning at home, and understanding additional learning needs. These sessions aim to equip families with practical tools and strategies to help their children succeed, as well as foster a sense of community among parents.

Regular Communication Channels Between Parents and 'Yr Academi'

Maintaining regular, open communication between parents and 'Yr Academi' is a top priority. We understand that frequent updates and dialogue help ensure that parents are informed and involved in their child's progress, and we are committed to providing clear and consistent communication channels. Parents can expect regular updates through a variety of methods:


  1. Pupil Progress and Wellbeing Meetings: Formal meetings are scheduled at least once per term to review the pupil's progress, and discuss any new strategies or interventions. These meetings are collaborative, allowing parents, teachers, to share insights and set future goals.

  2. Daily or Weekly Communication: Depending on the child’s needs, daily or weekly communication logs may be used to keep parents updated on their child’s experiences in 'Yr Academi.' For some pupils, a home-school communication book may be introduced. This tool allows for daily written communication between the teacher and family, ensuring parents are kept up to date with their child’s learning, achievements, and any areas needing attention. Parents are encouraged to add their own observations and comments, making this a two-way communication tool.

  3. Phone Calls and Emails: For more immediate concerns or updates, parents are encouraged to reach out to staff via phone or email. Teachers and the school’s Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) are readily available to answer questions, discuss progress, or address concerns. You can contact us by calling 01495 762581 or by emailing

  4. Workshops and Events: In addition to formal meetings, parents are invited to attend regular workshops and school events where they can learn more about their child’s education, interact with staff, and connect with other families. These workshops may cover topics such as strategies for supporting learning at home.

  5. Progress Reports: Formal written progress reports are sent home three times a year (two interim one-page reports and one full report), summarising the pupil’s academic achievements, social development, and emotional wellbeing.


By maintaining open lines of communication, we ensure that parents are well-informed and can actively support their child’s learning at home. We value the partnership between school and family, and we are committed to keeping parents involved in every step of their child’s education journey at 'Yr Academi.'

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