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Cyfleoedd Cyfartal a Chynhwysol

Equal Opportunities and Inclusivity

Credwn fod pob unigolyn, o ba bynnag allu, hil, crefydd neu gefndir yn haeddu cyfle cyfartal i lwyddo yn yr ysgol hon. Rydym yn falch o fod yn ysgol sy'n croesawu disgyblion, staff a rhieni o wahanol gefndiroedd cymdeithasol, hil, rhywioldeb, anabledd, crefydd, iaith, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol ac oedran. Ymdrechwn i greu cymuned sy'n dathlu amrywiaeth yn hytrach na rhagfarn.

We believe that each individual, of whatever ability, race, religion or background deserves equality of opportunity to succeed in this school. We are proud to be a school that welcomes pupils, staff and parents from different social backgrounds, race, sexuality, disability, religion, language, sexual orientation and age. We strive to create a community that celebrates diversity rather than prejudice.

Disabled Athletes in Sports Hall



Dyluniwyd adeilad yr ysgol i ddarparu mynediad i ddisgyblion a staff ag anableddau corfforol, fel a ganlyn:

• Mae'n hawdd cyrraedd y brif fynedfa;

• Mae'n hawdd agor drysau (dolenni isel);

• Toiled i'r anabl;

• Coridorau eang a drysau ystafell ddosbarth eang;

• Mynediad hawdd i neuadd yr ysgol a mynediad i'r maes chwarae ar un lefel.

The school building is designed to provide access to pupils and staff with physical disabilities, as follows:

• Main entrance is easily accessed;

• Doors are easily opened (low handles);

• Disabled toilet;

• Wide corridors and wide classroom doors;

• Easy access to school hall and playground access on one level.

Mynediad at y Cwricwlwm

Access to the Curriculum

Mae cwricwlwm yr ysgol yn gytbwys ac yn eang, ac yn cynnig cyfleoedd i bawb lwyddo. Trefnir gweithgareddau'n ofalus gan roi ystyriaeth i'r canlynol:

• Gallu academaidd pob disgybl;

• Gallu corfforol pob disgybl;

• Diddordeb a thalent pob disgybl;

• Cefndir crefyddol pob disgybl;

• Cefndir cymdeithasol pob disgybl;

• Cefndir ethnig pob disgybl.

The school curriculum is balanced and broad, and offers opportunities for all to succeed. Activities are organised carefully with consideration given to the following:

• Academic ability of each pupil;

• Physical ability of each pupil;

• Interest and talent of each pupil;

• Religious background of each pupil;

• Social background of each pupil;

• Ethnic background of each pupil.


Ysgol Panteg, Heol Yr Orsaf, Tre Griffith, Pont-y-Pŵl, Torfaen, NP4 5JH
01495 762581

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