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Cwestiynau Cyffredin
Frequently Asked Questions
Sut mae cofrestru fy mhlentyn ar gyfer Ysgol Panteg?
How do I sign my child up for Ysgol Panteg?
Cyngor Torfaen sy'n penderfynu ar y disgyblion sy'n cael eu derbyn i'r ysgol. Fel arfer, mae rhieni'n cysylltu â'r ysgol yn uniongyrchol yn y lle cyntaf. Trefnir cyfarfod gyda'r Pennaeth a rhoddir taith o amgylch yr ysgol. Cynghorir rhieni i gysylltu â Thîm Mynediad i’r Ysgol yr Awdurdod Lleol. Ar ôl derbyn a phrosesu'r cais, bydd yr Awdurdod Lleol yn cysylltu â'r rhieni gyda naill ai gynnig neu wrthod lle yn yr ysgol. Am fanylion pellach, cyfeiriwch at lawlyfr ‘Mynediad i Ysgolion - Cyngor Torfaen’ sydd i’w gweld ar eu gwefan.
Torfaen Council decide on the pupils who are admitted to the school. Usually parents contact the school directly in the first instance. A meeting with the Head teacher will be arranged and a guided tour of the school given. The school then advises the parents to contact the Local Authority’s Admissions Team. After receiving and processing the application, the Admissions Team then contacts the parents with either an offer or a refusal of place in the school. See a copy of ‘Admissions to Schools – Torfaen Council’ for further details which can be found on their website.
A allaf drefnu ymweliad ysgol?
Can I schedule a school visit?
Rydym yn croesawu ymweliadau gan rieni a theuluoedd. Cysylltwch â swyddfa'r ysgol neu'r Pennaeth i archebu taith (office.ysgol
We welcome visits from parents and families. Contact the school office or Head to book a tour (
Beth yw oriau'r ysgol?
What are the school's hours?
Dosbarth Derbyn hyd at Flwyddyn 6 | Reception Class through to Year 6
Dosbarth Meithrin Bore | Morning Nursery Class
Dosbarth Meithrin Prynhawn | Afternoon Nursery Class
Beth yw gwisg yr ysgol?
What is the school uniform?
Er mwyn i bob disgybl deimlo'n rhan o gymuned yr ysgol disgwylir iddynt gwisgo'r wisg ysgol bob dydd (gan gynnwys plant Meithrin). Porffor a melyn yw lliwiau’r ysgol. Mae crysau polo melyn i'w gwisgo gydag chardigan neu siwmper borffor. Gofynnwn iddynt wisgo trowsus du, siorts neu sgert gydag esgidiau du a sanau gwyn neu ddu. Sicrhewch fod pob dilledyn, het, bag ac ati wedi'i labelu'n glir gydag enw'ch plentyn. Annogir eich plentyn i gymryd rhan weithredol yn holl weithgareddau'r ysgol i gynnwys paentio, coginio, gweithio gyda glud a chlai yn ogystal â garddio. Darperir ffedogau ond mae'n anochel y bydd eich plentyn yn mynd yn fudr ac yn marcio ei ddillad o bryd i'w gilydd. Gofynnir i chwi ar adegau i anfon hen ddillad i'r ysgol gyda'ch plentyn ar gyfer gweithgareddau o'r fath. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi beidio ag anfon eich plentyn i'r ysgol mewn esgidiau “slip-on”, gwadnau pren neu esgidiau uchel. Maent yn beryglus ac felly'n anaddas. Diolchwn ichi am eich cydweithrediad yn y mater hwn.
In order that every pupil can feel part of the school community it is expected that all pupils wear the school uniform every day (including Nursery children). Our colours are purple and yellow. Yellow polo shirts are to be worn with purple cardigan or sweater. Black trousers, shorts or skirt to be worn with black shoes and white or black socks. Please ensure that every item of clothing, hat, bag etc. is clearly labelled with your child's name. Your child will be encouraged to take an active part in all school activities and will be painting, cooking, working with glue and clay as well as gardening. Aprons will be provided but your child will inevitably get dirty and marks on their clothing from time to time. You may also be asked to send old clothing to school with you child for such activities. Please remember to label your child’s name on all clothing. We kindly ask that you do not send your child to school in slip-on, wooden-soled shoes or high-laced boots. They are dangerous and, therefore, unsuitable. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Gellir prynu gwisg ysgol oddi wrth | School uniform can be purchased from:
Pretty Miss, 5 Caradoc Road, Cwmbran, NP44 1PP. 01633 484408.
Tesco Online
Ruck um Maul, Unit 27, Waunfelin, Pontypool. NP4 6PB. 01495 769467.
Beth yw gwisg Addysg Gorfforol yr ysgol?
What is the school Physical Education kit?
Mae’r wisg Addysg Gorfforol yn cynnwys siorts du / gwaelodion loncian, crys-t gwyn a esgidiau ymarfer addas.
Er mwyn cynnal safonau hylendid personol derbyniol mae'n ofynnol i ddisgyblion Derbyn, Blynyddoedd 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a 6 bod mewn gwisg fel yr uchod ar gyfer gwersi Addysg Gorfforol. Daw disgyblion i'r ysgol yn eu gwisg ymarfer corff ar y diwrnodau penodedig ar gyfer gwersi eu dosbarthiadau.
Physical Education kit is to be black shorts / jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and suitable foot wear. In order to maintain acceptable standards of personal hygiene the pupils of Reception, Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are required to be in suitable attire for Physical Education lessons. Pupils come to school in their PE kit on the specified days for their classes' lessons.
Beth trefniadau ciniawau?
What are the lunchtime arrangements?
Darperir cinio bob dydd gan yr ysgol. Dyfeisiwyd y bwydlenni cinio gan ddeietegwyr y Sir. Maent yn flasus, yn llenwi ac yn faethlon. Mae opsiynau llysieuol ar gael bob dydd. Mae cinio ysgol am ddim. Os darperir pecyn bwyd o adref, gofynnwn yn garedig am eu cydweithrediad wrth gefnogi ein polisi ysgol iach, trwy beidio â chynnwys siocled, losin ac ati yn y blwch cinio llawn.
Lunches are provided daily by the school. The lunch menus have been devised by the Torfaen County Borough Council’s dieticians. They are tasty, filling and nutritious. Vegetarian options are available daily. School lunches are free. If a packed lunch is provided from home, we ask for their kind cooperation in supporting our healthy school policy, by not including chocolate, sweets etc. in the packed lunch box.
Oes clwb brecwast gan yr ysgol?
Does the school have a breakfast club?
Mae Ysgol Panteg yn cynnig clwb brecwast am ddim. Pwrpas y clwb yw darparu brecwast maethlon i'r plant. Mae'r clwb ar agor rhwng 8:15yb ac 8:45yb. Os ydych chi am gofrestru'ch plentyn yn y clwb hwn, yna cysylltwch â'r ysgol.
Ysgol Panteg offers a free breakfast club. The purpose of the club is to provide a nutritious breakfast for children. The club is open between 8:15am and 8:45am. If you wish to register your child in this club, then please contact the school.
A all yr ysgol roi meddyginiaeth?
Can the school administer medications?
Bydd staff yr ysgol yn rhoi meddyginiaethau i'r disgyblion yn ystod amgylchiadau arbennig - cysylltwch â swyddfa'r ysgol i gael mwy o wybodaeth. Os oes gan eich plentyn gyflwr meddygol sy'n gofyn am feddyginiaeth reolaidd (e.e. epilepsi, asthma ac ati) cysylltwch â'r pennaeth er mwyn gwneud y trefniadau priodol. Dim ond meddyginiaeth sydd wedi'i rhagnodi gan y meddyg teulu y gall staff yr ysgol ei rhoi. Er mwyn i ni roi'r feddyginiaeth rhaid i chi lenwi'r ffurflen briodol sydd ar gael yn swyddfa'r ysgol. Mae aelodau staff wedi derbyn hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf ac mae ganddynt dystysgrifau cyfoes. Mewn argyfwng difrifol, bydd yr ysgol yn galw am gymorth y gwasanaethau brys yn gyntaf ac yna'n gwneud pob ymdrech i gysylltu â'r rhiant.
The school staff will administer medicines to the pupils during special circumstances – please contact the school office for further information. If your child has a medical condition that requires regular medication (e.g. epilepsy, asthma etc.) please contact the head in order to make special arrangements. The school staff can only administer medication that has been prescribed by the GP. In order for us to administer the medicine you must complete the appropriate form available at the school office. Members of staff have received first aid training and hold up-to-date certificates. In a serious emergency, the school will call for professional help first and will then make every effort to contact the parent.
Beth yw trefniadau iechyd a diogelwch yr ysgol?
What are the school's health and safety arrangements?
Dilynir polisi iechyd a diogelwch yr ysgol a chanllawiau'r cyngor i sicrhau, o fewn rheswm, iechyd a diogelwch pawb ar safle'r ysgol.
Rydym yn sicrhau:
• y goruchwylir pob disgybl trwy gydol y dydd;
• bod holl clwydi allanol a drws y brif mynedfa ar gau trwy gydol y dydd;
• bod pob ymwelydd yn mewngofnodi ac yn gwisgo bathodyn tra ar dir yr ysgol;
• bod ymwelwyr yn nodi amser ymadael â’r safle;
• y cynhelir dril tân yn dymhorol;
• bod holl staff yr ysgol yn derbyn diweddariad i weithdrefnau dril tân;
• bod holl offer ac adeilad yr ysgol mewn cyflwr da.
The school’s health and safety policy and the council guidelines are followed to ensure, within reason, the health and safety of all on the school site.
We ensure that:
• All pupils are supervised throughout the day;
• All external doors are secured throughout the day;
• All visitors sign in and wear a badge whilst on the school premises;
• All visitors note the time of leaving the site;
• A fire drill is held every term;
• All staff receive an update to fire drill procedures every term;
• That all school equipment and building is in good working order.
A all fy mhlentyn ddod â theganau ac eiddo arall i'r ysgol?
Can my child bring toys and other property into school?
Bydd staff yn gwneud pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod eiddo personol pob disgybl yn ddiogel.
Gofynnwn i rieni gefnogi'r ysgol trwy:
• beidio a gadael i’w plentyn ddod a theganau i’r ysgol;
• labelu pob dilledyn yn glir gydag enw'r disgybl;
• beidio â gadael i'w plant ddod â ffonau symudol i'r ysgol.
Nid yw disgyblion i ddod â pheli nac offer chwarae i'r ysgol. Darperir eitemau amrywiol at ddefnydd amser egwyl.
The staff make every effort to ensure that all pupils’ personal property is safe.
We ask that parents support the school by:
• Not sending toys into school with the pupils;
• Labelling every item of clothing clearly with the pupil’s name;
• Not allowing their children to bring mobile phones to school.
Pupils are not to bring balls or play equipment to school. Various items are provided for break time / lunchtime use.
Beth yw ethos yr ysgol o ran disgyblaeth?
What is the school's ethos with regards to discipline?
Mae Ysgol Panteg yn ysgol gynhwysol. Credwn ei bod yn hanfodol i ddisgyblion ddatblygu hunanddisgyblaeth. O'r dechrau, dysgir disgyblion i barchu eraill, cyfoedion ac oedolion fel ei gilydd. Trwy'r enghraifft a osodwyd gan y staff, byddant yn dysgu bod yn gwrtais ac yn ystyriol o deimladau pobl eraill. Rydym yn dathlu ymddygiad priodol trwy gynnal gwasanaethau arbennig a gwobrwyo disgyblion. Ceir rhai disgyblion anhawster i gydymffurfio â'r rheolau. Bydd angen cymryd camau penodol i helpu'r disgybl hwnnw i gydymffurfio. Os oes gan yr ysgol unrhyw bryderon ynghylch ymddygiad disgybl byddwn yn cysylltu â'r rhieni er mwyn cydweithio i oresgyn unrhyw anawsterau. Gweler ein ‘Polisi Ymddygiad Cadarnhaol’ ar y wefan hon.
Ysgol Panteg is a inclusive school. We believe that it is essential for pupils to develop self-discipline. From the beginning pupils will be taught to respect others, peers and adults alike. Through the example set by the staff they will learn to be courteous and considerate of other people’s feelings. We celebrate appropriate behaviour by holding special assemblies and rewarding pupils. Occasionally some pupils will have difficulty in complying with the rules. Steps will need to be taken to help that pupil conform. If the school has any concerns over a pupil’s behaviour we will contact the parents in order to work together to overcome any difficulties. The school’s ‘Positive Behaviour Policy’ can be found on this website.
Ysgol Panteg, Heol Yr Orsaf, Tre Griffith, Pont-y-Pŵl, Torfaen, NP4 5JH
01495 762581
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