Iechyd a Lles
Health and Wellbeing
Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydyn ni'n adnabod y pwysigrwydd iechyd a lles ein disgyblion, rydyn ni'n blaenoriaethu lles ein disgyblion, staff a rhieni sydd yn rhan anatod o gweledigaeth yr ysgol i sicrhau amgylchedd hapus a diogel.
Mae ein ysgol yn:
helpu plant i ddeall ei emosiynau a teimladau yn well;
helpu plant i deimlo'n gyfforddus trwy rannu unrhyw bryderon;
helpu plant i greu perthnasau positif.
hybu hunan-barch a sicrhau fod plant yn gwbod ei bod nhw'n bwysig;
annog plant i fod yn hyderus a dathlu ein cymuned a etifeddiaeth;
helpu plant i ddatblygu gwytnwch emosiynol ag i ymdopi gyda rhwystrau bywyd.
Here at Ysgol Panteg, we recognise the importance of our pupils wellbeing, we demonstrate on a daily basis that the wellbeing of our pupils, staff and parents are the priority of the school’s vision of ensuring a happy, safe environment.
We are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff.
Our school:
helps children to understand their emotions and feelings better;
helps children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries;
helps children socially to form and maintain relationships;
promotes self-esteem and ensure children know that they count;
encourages children to be confident and celebrate who we are;
helps children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks.