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Gweledigaeth yr Ysgol
The School's Vision

Ein cenhadaeth ar gyfer Ysgol Panteg yw datblygu ein plant mewn sefydliad diogel a hapus lle rydyn ni'n gweithio gyda'n gilydd i greu dinasyddion hyderus ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rydym yn falch o roi iaith a hanes Cymru wrth galon ein haddysgu wrth gofleidio technolegau newydd a meithrin balchder yn ein cymunedau. Trwy wrando ar ein plant a chefnogi ein teuluoedd, byddwn yn meithrin amgylchedd parchus lle gallwn ddathlu ein llwyddiannau a helpu ein gilydd. 


Our mission for Ysgol Panteg is to develop our children in a safe and happy place where we work together to create confident citizens for the future. We are proud to place the language and history of Wales at the heart of our teaching while embracing new technologies and fostering pride in our communities. By listening to our children and supporting our families, we will build a respectful and nurturing environment where we can celebrate our successes and help each other. 

Ein gweledigaeth yw:

  • Creu amgylchedd croesawgar a diogel lle mae plant, staff a'r rhieni'n hyderus ac yn llawn cymhelliant;

  • Sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn teimlo ei fod yn cael ei gynnwys, ei werthfawrogi a'i barchu waeth beth fo'u gallu, rhyw, anabledd, ethnigrwydd, crefydd, cefndir teuluol, diwylliant neu iaith y cartref;

  • Annog plant i wneud eu gorau glas, gan sicrhau bod y heriau addysgu’n gwella sgiliau a hunan-hyder plant;

  • Rhoi amser i blant siarad am eu dysgu ag oedolion ac i blant eraill;

  • Darparu profiadau dysgu sy'n meithrin creadigrwydd, brwdfrydedd a chwilfrydedd plant;

  • Darparu profiadau dysgu sy'n meithrin hunan-barch a helpu plant i ddatblygu perthnasoedd cadarnhaol ag eraill yn yr ysgol ac yn y gymuned ehangach;

  • Helpu plant i ddatblygu i fod yn ddinasyddion dibynadwy, annibynnol a chadarnhaol;

  • Ein nod yw sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn ein gadael yn unigolion hyderus yn credu ynddo'i hun ond yn dangos parch at eraill a ffurfio a chynnal perthnasoedd ag eraill plant ac oedolion.


Our vision is:

  • To create a welcoming and secure environment where children, staff and parents are confident and motivated;

  • To ensure that all children feel included, valued and respected regardless of their ability, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion, family background, culture or home language;

  • To encourage children to do their ‘very best’, ensuring that the teaching challenges each and every child to enhance their skills and self-confidence;

  • To give children time to talk about their learning to adults and other children;

  • To provide learning experiences which foster children’s creativity, enthusiasm and curiosity;

  • To provide learning experiences which foster self-esteem and help children to develop positive relationships with others both within the school and in the wider community;

  • To help children develop into reliable, independent and positive citizens;

  • Our aim is to ensure that every child leaves us as a confident individual, believing in themselves and showing respect and concern for others.

Ein Gwerthoedd Craidd: Pedwar Panteg
Our Core Values: The Panteg Four

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Hanes yr Ysgol
The School's History

Agorodd Ysgol Panteg ei drysau ym mis Medi 2010 ar y safle wreiddiol ar stryd Rhydychen yn Griffithstown gyda 36 o blant. Plannodd y plant hyn 36 o fylbiau cennin pedr sy'n cael eu cynrychioli gan y 36 cenhinen bedr ar fathodyn yr ysgol. Wrth i'r ysgol dyfu lleolwyd Ysgol Panteg  ar ddau safle yn Griffithstown a Kemys Fawr, Sebastopol. Ers mis Chwefror 2017 rydym wedi ein lleoli ar ein safle bresennol ar Ffordd yr Orsaf. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym dros 400 o ddisgyblion yn hannu o ardal  Pont-y-Pŵl, Griffithstown, New Inn a Sebastopol. Mae’r disgyblion yn mwynhau ac yn profi addysg gyfrwng Cymraeg a chyfoeth o brofiadau cyffrous.


Ysgol Panteg opened its doors in September 2010 on the original site on Oxford Street in Griffithstown with 36 children. These children planted 36 daffodil bulbs which are represented by the 36 daffodils on the school badge. As the school grew Ysgol Panteg was then situated on two sites in Griffithstown and Kemys Fawr, Sebastopol. Since February 2017 we have been located on our fantastic site on Station Road. At present we have over 400 pupils coming from the Pontypool, Griffithstown, New Inn and Sebastopol area all enjoying and experiencing Welsh medium education and a wealth of exciting experiences.

Ysgol Panteg, Heol Yr Orsaf, Tre Griffith, Pont-y-Pŵl, Torfaen, NP4 5JH
01495 762581

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©Ysgol Panteg, 2024

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